
Um - can we Draft Wes Clark again?

Clark was on Wolf Blitzer the other day. I missed it. Via Atrios, I find that Clark just hits home run after home run on the National Security / Iraq issue. "And, you know, one of the things I always saw in any large organization is it's not just the people in the middle, it's the people at the top that have to participate in getting a grip on what went wrong. "As Americans, we deserve an answer to what went wrong that enabled Osama bin Laden and the terrorists to come in and conduct the attacks of 9/11. If that does become the issue, I think it's a loaded gun pointed right back at the White House." Of course. Would that they had let Clark be Clark during the campaign. Honestly - any future campaign that hires Bennett, Fabiani, Lehane and/or any combination of them might as well write itself off from day 1.

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