
If you didn't already think Bush & Co needed to go...

The GAO investigates and discovers that 28 top (read: executive-level) federal workers sport bogus "diploma-mill" degrees. Including some who work in the TSA, and three managers at the office that handles nuclear weapons safety. Let's not forget about the Abu Ghraib scandal. Could you IMAGINE the headlines and the unbridled venom that would be spewing from the mouths of people like Limbaugh, DeLay, etc. if this had happened under, say, Clinton? Well, there are some new as-yet-unreleased pictures, and the question isn't whether, but when they'll be made public. Apparently, some of the photos depict soldiers having sex with each other. Apparently, other photos depict US troops sodomizing Iraqi prisoners with glow sticks What's also striking is that, all of a sudden the very "black and white" world of conservative punditry has opened itself up to the wonders of moral relativism.

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