

Chris Suellentrop, who covered the NH campaign last winter, describes Kerry as a composite candidate.
"He also adapted Dean's line about a president's most solemn duty being to tell the truth before taking a nation to war, when he promised to 'be a commander in chief who will never mislead us into war.' There was also a dash of Wesley Clark's 'new patriotism,' Clark's affirmation of dissent as patriotism's highest form, when Kerry said, 'We are here to affirm that when Americans stand up and speak their minds and say America can do better, that is not a challenge to patriotism; it is the heart and soul of patriotism.' Clark also had a riff about family values that Kerry adapted tonight, saying, 'It is time for those who talk about family values to start valuing families.' "
Sounds like a candidate who has understandably appropriated the best themes and issues from all the primary candidates. Absolutely nothing is wrong with that.

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