
Federal ineptitude

Maybe Hastert's right. Why should you and I continue to subsidize a bunch of idiots like this? Tony Masiello should breathe a sigh of relief. At least his is not the only administration that can't account for millions of dollars.
WASHINGTON - U.S. authorities in Baghdad spent hundreds of millions of Iraqi dollars without keeping good enough records to show whether they got some services and products they paid for, government investigators said. Officials of the former Coalition Provisional Authority did not have records to justify the $24.7 million cost for replacing Iraq's currency, according to the report from the authority's inspector general. The report also said the authority paid nearly $200,000 for 15 police trucks without knowing if the trucks were delivered.
I wonder if Instapundit is going to bleat on about this half as much as he has over the stolen/squandered oil-for-food money from Saddam-era Iraq. At least that money was squandered by a totalitarian fascist dictatorship. What's Bush's excluse? What's Bremer's excuse?

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