
Just switch "Cheney" with "Kerry" and watch the hilarity ensue

Here's a cutesy little story from the WaPo about Cheney et familie on the road in Pennsylvania.
In a lighter moment, the Cheney tour stopped at a farm stand owned by Ray Levan, 65, in the small town of Catawissa. Cheney and his wife went to buy fruit and vegetables, while daughters Mary and Elizabeth went with the Cheney grandchildren to watch cows being fed. The Cheneys purchased nine apples, five large tomatoes, three green peppers and a dozen ears of corn. Cheney pulled a $10 bill from his pocket and gave it to Levan. Asked by a reporter whether the $10 covered the cost of the produce, Levan indicated that it did not. But he said it was an "honor" to sell the fruits and vegetables to the vice president, even if at a discount.
Now, I don't think this is anywhere near a big deal, but chew on this: You know and I know that if John and Teresa Kerry were the protagonists in the above-quoted vignette, they would be pilloried by such pundits as Sean Hannity, Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Instapundit as elitists who are completely out of touch with the masses and, therefore, nothing more than limousine liberals. About a week after the aforementioned punditocracy was just about through with this point, Fox would pick it up and ridicule the Kerrys via phone in polls while they report and the wingers decide. Of course, our SCLM, not wanting to seem liberal, would immediately pick up the story and glom onto the elitist/out-of-touch meme. What's fascinating is that the moderates and the left have no such luck. For instance - have you heard CNN or MSNBC make as big a deal out of John O'Neill's & other Swiftees' lies as they did about whether Kerry was "enhancing" the stories of his Vietnam service? Neither did I.

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