
Character Assassination

Read this. When you’re done shuddering, know that Sinclair owns Fox 29 and WB49 in Buffalo. http://www.sbgi.net/business/markets/buffalo.shtml Sinclair is owned by a group of radical right-wingers; this is the same corporation that banned its ABC affiliates from airing a recent edition of Nightline, during which the names of the servicemen and women killed in Iraq were read. Sinclair is ordering all of its affiliates to air a vicious smear / hit piece against John Kerry called "Stolen Honor". I won't link to it here. (You’ll note that one of the POWs "featured" is Kenneth W. Cordier, who was forced to resign from the Bush-Cheney campaign due to his involvement with the Swift Boat liars. You may also note at the stolen honor website that this group has actually merged with the Swift Boat liars. ) When Karl Rove said he had some "surprises" up his sleeve, he wasn’t kidding. It's already common knowledge that the Swiftees were coordinating with B-C '04, and that their M.O. is pretty standard Rove fare. What this amounts to is: 1. Free advertising for the Swift Boat liars, (and, by extension, Bush-Cheney ’04); i.e., this is a 40-minute-long, commercial-free Bush ad. 2. Possibly (probably) an illegal donation to a federal campaign by a corporation I think it’s shocking that a corporation that owns two of Buffalo’s six network affiliates would broadcast this advertisement as is. Demonstrating at their offices may be counterproductive, because it would give more publicity to the "documentary" itself. Sinclair’s homepage contains the following:
We welcome your comments regarding the upcoming special news event featuring the topic of Americans held as prisoners of war in Vietnam. The program has not been videotaped and the exact format of this unscripted event has not been finalized. Characterizations regarding the content are premature and are based on ill-informed sources. Massachusetts Senator John Kerry has been invited to participate. You can urge him to appear by calling his Washington, D.C. campaign headquarters at (202) 712-3000. (I wouldn't bother. He won't honor them with his presence. -ed.) if you would like to make further comments on this matter, you may do so at:comments@sbgi.net
Fill their email box.

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