
Veep Debate

I shouldn't have stayed up for it. I should have gotten a full 8 hours' sleep. Silly me. I think it was, more or less, a draw. I think Cheney got in some good hits, but so did Edwards. I liked Cheney inviting people to visit "factcheck.com". Factcheck.com is a George Soros site. I think he meant factcheck.org. That site is farked, but according to Kos, the top story there last night was:
Bush Mischaracterizes Kerry's Health Plan Bush claims Kerry's plan puts "bureaucrats in control" of medical decisons, "not you, not your doctor." But experts don't agree with that.
Good one, Dick. I don't score it an Edwards win because he did a little too much talking-points-repetition for my taste. The guy's a professional litigator. He could have done better, in my opinion. I loved that he threw the flip-flopping charge back in Cheney's face. I loved: they were against the 9/11 commission before they were for it; they were against creating a Dept of Homeland security before they were for it, etc. All in all, a good outing for Senator Edwards, whose youthful optimism was striking as compared with VP Cheney, who looked pale and old.

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