Karl Rove & L'affaire Plame
Official Clark '04 Campaign Blog: Generally Speaking...
Hackworth revises his opinion of Clark
With Clark on Fire, Calls of Liar, Liar
According to Meetup.com
Deadline approaching to register for Democratic Primary in NY!
Clark and Mladic
Chickenhawks must go.
Supporters Mob Gen. Clark on First Campaign Stop
Clark in Dem Debate next Thursday
Transcript of Clark's Announcement
Rush Limbaugh: Draft Dodger
My name is Wes Clark...
The smears begin in earnest
The word from New Hampshire
Why I switched to the Democratic Party
See General Clark's special message to the Draft movement
1. Get at least one other person involved in or supporting General Clark for President; and
2. Contribute to his campaign
If you made a pledge at www.draftwesleyclark.com, please make good on that pledge as soon as possible. The General is late to the race. His main competition - Howard Dean - has raised upwards of $20 million. This primary race is going to be Dean vs. the most electable alternative to Dean. It's going to be quite a show.
Candidate Clark's Official Website is now up!
The reason I post hit pieces is that it is crucial that we be alert and able to respond to the types of lies and misinformation that will meet a Clark candidacy. These guys are legitimately scared, and will stop at nothing to discredit Clark - politically first, then personally.
I find it striking that conservative columnists' opinions regarding the Kosovo campaign tend to support a different Clark - Ramsey. The same folks who would have you believe that protesters against the Iraq war are Ramsey Clark stooges who hate America, are the first to criticize Clinton's Kosovo campaign in the most "America-hating" tones. Just check this article out detailing the 1999 Republican lack of support for the campaign, and the troops fighting it.
In any event, Lowry heaps disdain on the Kosovo war because of its supposed misguided belief that Milosevic would back down "immediately." OK, it wasn't immediate - it took thirty (that's 30) days.
Milosevic is now on trial in the ICTY in the Hague for genocide and war crimes.
Osama bin Laden - who was Enemy #1 2001-2002 - is still on the run.
Saddam Hussein - who is Enemy #1 2002-2003 - is also on the run.
In 1999, Clinton and NATO at least told the truth about why we were bombing Kosovo - to stop a ten-year-long genocidal war started by Milosevic. The West's military action in the Balkans showed that we took seriously the injunction "Never Again" to holocaust and genocide.
In the former Yugoslavia, halting a brutal regime was job #1. In Iraq, regime change was sold as necessary to halt a non-existent WMD program. Halting Saddam's brutality was an ancillary benefit.
Announcement this week!
Vote now for the Brounschidle Post for the next Meetup Oct. 6th!
1. Clark is Dangerous. This stems from an incident that took place at Prishtina Airport in Kosovo in 1999. This is reminiscent of Karl Rove's character assassination of John McCain in the 2000 election. The same crowd that accused McCain of being a "Manchurian Candidate" and "unstable" because of his time as a POW is floating the same trial balloon for Clark. It won't fly. This issue is handled quite nicely here.
2. Clark lied about the White House asking him to link September 11th to Iraq. This, too, is false and is handled quite nicely here.
As Clark's announcement comes closer, expect the smears to get ever more obnoxious and misleading. Given that candidate Clark will be going up against Karl Rove's propaganda machine, it is crucial that Clark supporters be prepared for, and respond to the smears.9/13/2003
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