
Foxische Beobachter? Izfoxtia?

In the finest traditions of TASS, TANJUG, KCNA, and XINHUA, Bush's politburo is now using the Fox News Channel as its official propaganda outlet. "Republican commission members -- armed with fresh information on Clarke released by the White House yesterday through Fox News -- played defense lawyers determined to discredit the witness as a closet Democrat. " Honestly, instead of "Fair and Balanced" or "We Report, You Decide", FNC should just change its motto to: "The Official Organ of the Republican Party's Central Committee". I am more and more convinced each day that the new, theocratic GOP is simply fed-up with multiparty plurality. Using an overtly pro-Bush news channel as its official mouthpiece, as it did yesterday, is just another tick-mark in the antidemocratic (in both senses of that word) column for the GOP. They don't just want to defeat Democrats. They want Democrats to go out of business. Why else would they demonize Democrats like they do? Still think FNC is "fair and balanced" or somehow objective? Then please explain to me how it could keep Tony Snow as an anchorman when he regularly subbed as the host of Rush Limbaugh's radio program? Snow also writes columns for the conservative Jewish World Review. (Snow now does a radio show for Fox's own fledgling radio network. I think he would be heard by more people if he just yelled out of the window of a Manhattan office building.)

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