
Kerry's new plan is simply brilliant

Kerry's proposal today takes care of three issues in one fell swoop. I think it's brilliant: He proposes a 5% overall corporate tax cut to encourage increased hiring and help businesses' bottom line. In addition, he will abolish tax breaks for corporations that take jobs and headquarters overseas. While the Republicans are running around in circles over Richard Clarke, (who, in case you forgot, happens to be registered Republican), the Democrats are looking for ways to improve the lives of average Americans. This proposal, from a supposedly liberal democrat, is the best and most effective response that Kerry could have provided to Bush's latest negative ad. And as for those negative ads - I think they're hilarious. They start out with a patriotic-looking GWB, with US Flag background with the voiceover, "I'm George W. Bush and I approve this message" and immediately fades into what can only be described as a Saturday Night Live-style parody of a cheesy negative political ad. Instead of tit for tat, Kerry gives us a solid, brilliant plan. Well played.

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