
Ch ch ch ch chaaanges.

I posted the following comment at Oliver Willis' blog in response to another poster who was lamenting how radically left Willis' thinking had become. My point: George W. Bush just has that affect on people: Back in 2000, I was a registered republican. Voted for Bush in '88, Clinton in '92 & '96. Voted for Weld in '96 and Kennedy in '94. You don't get more centrist/swing voter than that. Anyway, I volunteered VERY actively for McCain in 2000. During the debate when McCain said his most influential political philosopher was Teddy Roosevelt, while Bush & the rest of the GOPbots said "Jesus Christ" was their fave POLITICAL philosopher. McCain was the only one with the nuts and integrity not to fall into that cretinous trap. I went up to NH the next day. When Bush started in with the push polling and the most vicious attacks on McCain I'd ever heard of, and after Bush visited Bob Jones U, my mind was made up that this guy was pure, unadulterated evil. Since March 2000, my sole political philosopy has been "anybody but W. Bush". This year, I was EXTREMELY active with the Clark campaign. He is a great man, and I don't regret a moment of that work. Kerry will do just fine. Bush, on the other hand, and the cabal that runs the country with him, is the most despicable, manipulative, maniacal, evil, untrustworthy bush of shitbags I've ever heard of. With a compliant press, a compliant congress, our only salvation from a total descent into one-party fascism is the Federal Bench. Republicans control 3/3 of the powers of government, and yet they still play the victim. Unbelievable. In any event, to get to my bloody point. I, too, was moderate & middle of the road (I even supported the Iraq war, before I realized I had been lied to). Bush pushed me over the edge into what even I in 2000 would have considered liberal fanaticism. Bush made me a liberal fanatic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved this: "Republicans control 3/3 of the powers of government, and yet they still play the victim. Unbelievable."

Amen, brother! Must be terrible to be surrounded by these "liberals" and the "elite media" blah blah blah...you'd think the far right was some opressed minority group.