
Good money after bad

It becomes clearer to me every day that the vast majority of the politicians that we elect to office in WNY are just plain stupid. I don't mean stupid, as in they do stupid things. I mean stupid as in they didn't score too well on aptitude tests. I mean stupid as in the only thing they're good at is gladhanding at chicken barbecues. Anyway, Niagara Falls is sitting on some casino cash. $3 million of it inexplicably goes to a NF Housing Authority. Tell me - have you ever driven through Niagara Falls, NY? Does it look to you like they have a housing shortage there? The Niagara Falls Reporter investigates what the NFHA uses the money for:
Casino cash money -- $1 million in 2004 and up to $3 million slated for 2005 -- earmarked for the Niagara Falls Housing Authority to renovate the dilapidated and dangerous Center Court housing projects, represents a classic case of throwing good money after bad, all agreed. So why would Mayor Vince Anello and state Assemblywoman Francine Del Monte be in favor of it? Maybe because it's not their money. The Housing Authority has proposed building 282 new units at Center Court, a crime-ridden slum originally erected during World War II as temporary housing for the families of returning servicemen. Astonishingly, the Authority plans to spend a mind-numbing $54 million on the project -- or $191,489 for each unit constructed.
Read the whole thing. It's truly mind-numbing.

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