
The 1st NH Newspaper endorsement...

Goes to General (Ret.) Wesley K. Clark! The Exeter, NH News-Letter editorial states that Clark has the experience and the intellect to lead the nation: "Clark is an intelligent man who brings to this campaign a sense of where he wants to bring America. He has a vision and the varied experience that makes him uniquely qualified among the Democratic candidates to answer the question of how America will ford the seemingly impassable waters that now surround us. He is also a man who is not driven by ideology, but rather a deep and abiding desire to find the best solutions to strengthen all Americans and our reputation around the world. "He is a Rhodes Scholar with an advanced degree in politics, philosophy, and economics. He is Vietnam veteran whose military career highlights include leading the military negotiations in 1995 that resulted in the Dayton Peace Accord ending the Bosnian War. He also led a multinational force that successfully ended ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and returned 1.5 million refugees to their homes without the loss of a single American life. "In all, Clark has proven he has the intellect, the experience militarily and diplomatically, and the ideas necessary to be a compelling presidential candidate against Bush in November. Democrats would do well to have him as their standard bearer."

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