
Lynne Cheney: homophobe & panderer

Did you know that Lynne Cheney wrote a tawdry romance novel involving lesbianism, back in the day? It's called "Sisters." Ahem. Anyway, last night Schieffer asked the candidates whether they thought homosexuality was a choice. Kerry replied that he didn't think it was, and he mentioned the Cheney's lesbian daughter. As I mentioned last night, the FNC punditocracy was shocked, SHOCKED at that remark, and (obviously parroting some RNC talking points that probably went out immediately after the Cheney-Edwards debate), wondered whether Kerry had crossed some sort of line by doing that. Hellooooo? Edwards mentioned it two weeks ago, and Dick Cheney thanked him for his kind words. If outrage was to be had, that was the time. Not now. Not two weeks later. What a bunch of hypocrites. Talk about your cheap, tawdry political tricks.

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