
So funny

So Drudge goes online on Sunday and accuses Kerry of bringing *gasp* a piece of paper (and possibly a pen, according to unconfirmed reports) into the debate with him last week. Apparently, as part of the memorandum of understanding hashed out between the two campaigms, certain notes and other documents were prohibited. So, the wingers slo-moed the video of Kerry walking out to his podium. Zapruder-like, no? What's quite stunning is that to wingers, this really is the equivalent of Zapruder. Get. a. Life. I will wager that the vast right wing blogspiracy is all over this story. I don't even have to go check. I just know it. They are up in arms about it. How dare Kerry? In any event, do you know what? Guess what it took for the story to evaporate into the ether? Of course. Murdoch's New York Post explaining that Murdoch's Fox News Channel's feed revealed that Kerry took a black pen out of his jacket. Get that? For the wingers to drop this idiotic non-issue, they needed two separate levels of Murdoch sourcing. But it does have me wondering what, exactly, is on Bush's podium here.

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