

In case you missed it, Rumsfeld's and the Pentagon's role in the rebuilding of Iraq has been coopted by Condoleeza Rice, the NSC and a new "Iraqi Stabilization Council", which Dowd dryly refers to as the "Fat Chance Club." Apparently, Rice insists that Rumsfeld was consulted before this fundamental shift in responsibility was undertaken, but Rumsfeld has publicly denied having been informed ahead of time, and has publicly bristled at the whole notion of the Pentagon being taken out of the Nation building loop. Leave it to the New York Times' Maureen Dowd to cut right through the treacle and focus on the complete chaos now gripping the White House. Dowd also has a great line about General Clark and Treasongate: "It doesn't help to have a former-NATO-commander-turned-presidential-contender running around telling the country that the Bush dream team is a bunch of dunces. Or a former-diplomat-turned-angry-husband-of-an-outed-spy running around telling the country that the Bush dream team is a bunch of backstabbing lawbreakers who are dead wrong on Iraq." Just six months ago, Bush reelection seemed inevitable, and he seemed politically invincible. Now, it seems like Bush and his team can't do anything right. Now, deep down, didn't we know that all along?

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