
Liberal bias, or just plain bad?

The republican outrage-du-jour seems to involve a 17-year old Kuwaiti-American who received a failing grade for an essay he wrote. I got the story via Atrios. Apparently, Drudge was excited by this story, and it ultimately found its way to Area B of the right-wing echo chamber; the Washington Times. It's not important, but I find the whole thing funny. First off, the kid should have kept his mouth shut, because he has to reveal his essay in order to make his feeble point. Here's a link to the kid's essay. Objectively speaking, it's a piece of garbage. Here's an analysis of the kid's essay from a poli sci professor. It all makes for some fun reading - for my sick mind, anyway. But here's a comment that I thought was spot-on:
For me there’s something deeper going on—not with this particular case, but it represents a trend among conservative students to blame all bad grades on liberal bias. In fact, what I find is that my conservative students tend to gloss over material that confronts their worldview. Thus when I cover Marx, my conservative students dismiss the material and my lectures, then write poor essays on exams, and then complain of my liberal bias when they receive their grade.
Chicken little. (Ed. Note: Apparently the professor who flunked this semi-literate kid who didn't answer the question presented told the kid he needed "psychological counseling." Totally unreasonable bullshit. The kid needs a writing tutor, not a shrink. Also: don't tell me the kid needs a break because he's a Kuwaiti immigrant. If he can't do the work, he doesn't belong in the class.)

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