
It's not so much the "gay", but the "hooker" thing

In comments to the previous post, Craig brings up some valid points about JimJeff. But here's what I find interesting. It's not the left that really cares one way or another that JimJeff was gay. The right seems preoccupied with that fact, and their mantra has become "the left took down a conservative because he was gay". Or something. I don't give a crap that JimJeff was gay. What I find astonishing is that he was a gay hooker. Being gay isn't illegal. Yet. Being a hooker, however, is very illegal. More illegal than anything, say, Bill Clinton ever did. A gay hooker. Given a press pass. To the White House. He was so illegitimate that even the Congress wouldn't give him a press pass. But the White House did. They know why and I know why. It's just difficult to prove without a witness. Someone under the direct supervision of Karl Rove and/or George Bush gave GuckertGannon a White House press pass as a favor to Bobby Eberle and his very pro-Bush GOPUSA. It just so happens that the guy Eberle hired is a gay hooker. I do so enjoy the spectacle of Ann Coulter and gents whose respective handles are "Hindrocket" and "the Big Trunk" (rolls eyes) defending gay hookerdom in the White House.

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